The Goblin Painter is an older goblin that works hard to keep his family happy and safe in their goblin home. He often can be found tinkering with peoples computers and network to pay for rocks to patch up his cave and to feed his little gobs.

The Goblin Painter is a very busy goblin! When he's not repairing his cave, another gobs cave, playing with the little gobs or the wifey gob. When hes not hanging with his buddy gobs, or watching TV, or reading a book (don't tell the other gobs that he can read). When hes not trying to improve his computer skills, he may get the chance to paint. Which isn't very often, but he tries. Overall he tries to multitask, I know what your thinking, aren't male gobbers bad at tasking...sometimes they are. But this goblin tries, if he wants to squeeze in time to paint, he has to try. Hes favorite time doing this is when he watches boring shows with the wifey gob (it makes her happy) and hes allowed to practice his painting skills. 

That is the story of the Goblin Painter!